Joy Drennen
Linda - My mother had a mental illness diagnosis. She did some incredibly mean things to me when I was growing up. She died July 13, 2013 at age 97. By then, I had been her caretaker for three years - one in Assisted Living and two years in a nursing home, with her giving many displays of dementia, even though she always knew me. It took me a long time to get over the hurts, but I finally managed, and the last thing we said to each other was, "I love you." That was a blessing. So I'm reasonably certain I did some strange things during my high school years and beyond. Was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in my early 30's. (It was called manic depression when I was diagnosed.) I had some horrendous manic episodes, which finally ended in 2004. Apparently I made up my mind about it. Told therapist I wasn'[t going to be dealing with bipolar any more. I credit right therapist, right meds, and spiritual intervention, because one does not get over Bipolar Disorder - but I did get over it. By now, I'm sure you know the warning signs of something coming on, which helps. I stay on meds and see my therapist once a month. Also, my friends here and in California keep an eye on me as well. (Left California in 1990, and have kept up with my friends.) Anyway, feel free to get in touch with me if you need to. There's no point in thinking you have to deal with stuff by yourself. Joy Drennen